
14 July 2011

creating an inviting guest bedroom at the cottage

If you're lucky enough to have a cottage you most likely also have an unlimited number of guests as well - invited or not! What a great reason to refresh a guest bedroom to make it cottage chic. That is, unless you would like your guests to make their stays short ones.

How to make a guest room inviting and cozy? Keep it clean and simple. No personal things or family photos. Keep colours to a minimum. Think about your guests and their needs. How many typically stay in the room at one time? Are there kids? How long do they typically stay? Will they have many clothes to unpack? Consider a comfy bed (or two), crisp sheets, a duvet and some extra blankets, plush pillows, a night stand with a lamp for reading, a clock, and a bench or dresser to lay clothes on. You might also install some hooks to hang clothes, and keep a basket filled with necessities such as towels, a toothbrush, a glass for water, and tissues handy. And add some fresh flowers- always a nice touch!

Here are some beautiful and simple cottage guest bedrooms for inspiration. 

All images from Coastal Living magazine. 

Good luck with your cottage bedroom project! If you have any great ideas, let me know and post them below. I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head in that first paragraph. No way I'm making things that comfortable!


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