
7 June 2012

tips for rental decorating

Today I'm over at hodge:podge sharing tips on decorating your rental to make it a home you love. I was thrilled when Barbara asked me to participate in her series on rental decorating tips and hope that my own rental design inspires you! Be sure to hop over and check it out. And welcome to all of you who've come over from hodge:podge!


  1. Hi Kelly,
    I just popped over from hodge:podge... left a comment there, but really wanted to tell you how much I loved what you have done with wallpaper, not to mention the rest of your space. It really is beautiful, and just goes to show how much you can do whether you rent or not... and yes, I'm a renter! Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas :-)

  2. @Sheila @SZInteriors

    Thanks so much Sheila! Yup, no need to let renting get in the way of good style. Thanks for visiting.

  3. I just popped on over from Hodge Podge ........ Oh Kelly your home is so very cozy. I applaud you renters for delving in and doing what you love to a house to make it a home.

  4. Thanks for giving us a peak into your home and your tips! Love the strippable wallpaper!


I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for making my day!