
28 October 2012

life refresh

Sometimes we need to peek out from under our lives and make a move...

my cutie-pie niece
Wanted to let you know that I'm taking a little break in order to make a change in my life by moving to Ancaster, Ontario to take on an exciting new role in my "real career", that being university advancement. So while I am moving and getting set up in a new home and workplace, I'll be mostly absent from blogging. I'm sad to be leaving wonderful Calgary, but I'm looking forward to moving into my new home in the east, and bringing you lots more ideas and inspirations from there! Until then, enjoy the season of change! 


  1. I'm such a fan of your blog, it's so simple and unique. Good luck with your move, I'm sad to see you leave the many projects you have done with your place but with new places comes new inspiration! Look forward to your return in the blogging world.

  2. best of luck! Looking forward to when you resume your blog.

  3. Congrats Kelly! You will do great wherever you are. Please let me know when you're settled!

  4. Congratulations, Kelly. Wishing you the best through this transition and in this new season of change!

  5. Congratulations and good luck with the move! Hope everything goes smoothly and you'll be back to blogging soon :-)

  6. @Kelly @ JAX does design

    Thanks so much everyone! It will be a fun move, and it is made easier knowing that my blog world friends will continue to support me from my new digs!

    See you again soon!

  7. What an exciting time!! yay for you! Wishing you tons of success and excited to hear all about it when you return to blogging :)

  8. What? Congrats and how exciting! We will be here waiting......
    I know how it is, as my blog has taken a back seat to my teaching career which was re-started rather unexpectedly this fall!

    Good luck Kelly!

  9. Good luck with everything Kelly! It was so nice to meet you via blogging!


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