
28 April 2013

fave new online shop: dignify

Shelley, from recently let me know about her amazing home and gift shop that curates unique pieces of décor, jewellery and handbags from craftspeople around the world. Not only are the products special, but they are all sourced from those who's dignity and livelihood depend on their production. As the website says, dignify helps women choose items that they will both love and feel great about buying. What a brilliant concept. I've just placed my order. I urge you to take a look as well! 

All images from


  1. I checked, I loved...and now I can't decide...a bag, a Kantha throw? Desktop accessories. gee thanks Kelly:)

  2. @Nicole Scott

    Ha! Tell me about it. I just ordered the mail rack, soap dish a bag and a bracelet. Such cool stuff! Have fun! :)


I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for making my day!