
2 July 2014

simple DIY herb planters

This year I've been using fresh grown organic herbs to up the game in my kitchen. I'm definitely not a cook, but lately I've been trying to take the time to cook up healthy meals for the week, and herbs just make everything taste better. They also smell great hanging around on the patio or the kitchen counter. I currently have a big pot of basil and rosemary, and small pots of parsley, oregano and mint.

DIY herb planters

To make a pretty display on my tiny condo patio, I covered 3 IKEA planters with natural materials - rope, birch bark and burlap. All were simply cut to size and secured with a hot glue gun. Very natural and zen, don't you think? 

DIY birch bark planter

DIY burlap covered planter

My tiny condo patio is now covered with plants, with just enough room to relax and read a book while feeling like I'm in the middle of nature, not a bustling suburb.

patio garden

growing herbs on a patio

summer condo patio

Have fun growing herbs and plants, and covering your planters with all kinds of natural material for a fun look. Let me know what you've had success with! 


  1. So happy to have stumbled upon your blog. Looking forward to seeing more!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! Happy to have a new reader. If there are any specific things you'd like to see posts on please let me know. Kelly


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