
18 January 2015

ready, set, cleanse

I don't know about you, but I've been having trouble getting into the groove since returning from holiday break. I heard a report recently that January is the month that sees a spike in depression, lack of energy, and what I call " the funk". I think I fell into that a little - not so much depression as settling into hibernation mode. I seem to have little inspiration to go out into the cold and get on with my new year's intentions, or really do much of anything productive! Darn Netflix and their full seasons of Gilmore Girls and Friends! Have you been feeling the same way?

body, mind, home cleanse

Well, it's time to break out of that rut, and I plan on doing it with a cleanse. Not just a cleanse of my body, but a cleanse of my mind and my home as well.


I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2 last night, and it has renewed my desire to reboot my system with all fruits and veggies for the next 5 days. Joe's new book is a good resource on how to begin juicing. For now, I'm doing the smoothie thing (I don't have a juicer, and like the convenience and texture of blended drinks) and began this morning with a detox smoothie similar to this one from one of my favourite organic health blogs, Joyous Health (I like hemp milk and water in my smoothies instead of coconut milk).

Joyous Health green detox smoothie
Joyous Health detox smoothie
As well, I'm cooking up one of my favourite vegan soups from Oh She Glows as a staple for this week's meals, along with the smoothies. I have become a big fan of many, many recipes in the Oh She Glows vegan cookbook. Creator Angela Liddon has also started a tea shop, and I've ordered a couple of blends to give me energy and clarity.

Oh She Glows Vegan Tortilla Soup


I've been lax on taking the time to meditate lately, and so I'm going to schedule in the time each day to spend on this beneficial practice, as I know it will help keep me out of "funk land". I like these guided meditations by Charlie Knoles found on Mind Body Green.

I find getting outdoors and into the fresh air also does wonders for both my mind and body, so I'm scheduling in 30 minutes every night after dinner to go for a neighborhood walk.

winter wonderland meditation

And I'm amping up reading time (real books - not on screen) in my nightly routine. I got a library card this weekend, and am happy to report that old school libraries are not so old school any more - mine had a great selection of all kinds of hot-off-the-press fiction and non-fiction books and a free download service for music, movies, and audiobooks. I'm ashamed to say I forgot how simple and gratifying it can be to borrow books instead of purchasing new ones all the time!

book cleanse


I've talked before about ditching the chemical-laden cleaners and air fresheners and instead using home-made, non-toxic options. As I work on cleansing my body and mind, I'm re-doubling my efforts to eliminate all toxins from my home as well.

natural home-made cleaner recipes

I've mixed up fresh bottles of home-made, all-natural cleansers, including a surface spray that I use daily on my counters, door handles and light switches, and also to clean nasty germs off of my phone. This mix includes the all-powerful vinegar plus anti-bacterial essential oils:

I also use an herbal linen and room spray, as a way to freshen the air and also cut down on air-borne viruses. Here's a good mix, but you can change up the essential oils as you like:

Finally, I've put out new room fresheners to keep the air clean at all times- this post on DIY mason jar fresheners will give you the quick how-to.

DIY mason jar baking soda air freshener
natural DIY air freshener
Check out my Pinterest board for more all-natural home-cleansing recipes and ideas.

Wish me luck on my cleanse, and I'm putting out good vibes for all of you who are on this kind of mission to begin the year right as well. Good luck!

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