
26 April 2015

simple no-cost home office update

In my small condo I've created a work space in the main living area, as I showed you in this post. Now that Spring has finally arrived, I wanted a quick update to make it feel a little warmer and colourful. Enter a Spring office refresh - with no budget.

small natural home work space
Spring refresh
white home office
Winter work space
I simply moved out the textured white cushion and sheepskin rugs and replaced them with a colourful cushion and natural jute mat. I added a colourful vase of willows and an antique jug with fresh flowers - move from other parts of my home. Vintage jars and canisters, along with some green plants add interest.

small condo office setup

vintage objects on reclaimed wood shelf

vintage plant shelf

vintage office accessories

Colourful DIY art adds a pop of colour. I simply washed a piece of card stock in yellow watercolour, and glued down a stalk of wheat on one and petals from a flower on another. Natural art in a pinch! 

DIY art with watercolour and natural elements

easy DIY office refresh

Easy peasy refresh done very quickly and without spending a dime. Are you refreshing for Spring? 

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