
25 January 2012

the one room challenge- week 2

Well I am in a white-out after this weekend. Not from snow, from my all-white office/reading room. I painted the walls pure white during my second week in The One Room Challenge, a 6-week challenge with fellow design bloggers to finish decorating a room.  Last week I told you a bit about the spare room in my condo; this is the inspiration photo I have chosen as my favourite. 

from the Marion House Book
As my philosophy for design is to minimize consumption, re-purpose when possible, and use eco-friendly products when they make sense,  my office makeover will follow that creed. The paint I used on the walls last weekend was CIL Naturaliving no-VOC paint in "White on White".  I have a pretty low budget and plan on creating a lot of things from scratch or upcycling. I already have a desk, a daybed and a credenza, and I am only purchasing two new pieces of furniture- a desk chair and a filing cabinet. And I'm going to keep my eyes open for interesting thrift store finds as I go. 

To make sure I stay on track, I am going through the proper design process for this room makeover: 

1. Figure out what style and mood I want to create and find inspiration pictures I swoon over.
2. Create a mood board with colours, furniture elements, lighting, etc. This will keep me on track throughout the process when I get distracted by a great pillow that really doesn't work with the design. 
3. Lay out a plan. Set a budget. Make a list of things to buy or DIY. 
4. Proceed with accomplishing everything on the list and see the space come together. There is room for a little tweaking along the way. 

 So then, here is step #2: my mood board. 

And step #3: my to-do list (if crossed out they are complete!)

-order eames plastic armchair (reproduction) 
-paint room
-purchase file/storage unit
-DIY fabric headboard for daybed
-DIY wallpaper projects
-DIY art 
-DIY pillow covers
-find industrial-look hanging lamp for above desk
-find vintage lamp
-create magazine storage solution
-style and finish room

I hope you follow along with me, as well as with the other 14 gals who are taking on this challenge. See you next Wednesday!


  1. First, I want that blue shag rug in the first pic badly!! The pile is so thick! Color perfection! I am in LOVE! Secondly, the desk on your inspiration board is one of my faves for an office space! Looking forward to seeing the results!

  2. I have never seen a room plan laid out that way.I am pinning this...fantastic. I usually just go at it, and that is probably why I never really finish. I love your mood board. That is exactly my taste, too. When I saw the first picture, I thought, wow...she's done! Ha. Looking forward to next week. I have a question about the low VOC you need to do anything different when you paint? Does it dry faster, slower, or the same?

    1. I like the CIL no-VOC version. It had no smell, good coverage and dries the same as any latex. No need to do anything different.

  3. Oooh this room's going to be so great when you're finished!
    I've never used CIL's no-VOC paint, but I have used Benjamin Moore's and it covered really nicely and almost zero smell. Curious about your opinion on the CIL version?

  4. Your design is so fresh and bright! You are making some great progress!

  5. Love the clean white look of your inspiration room. Your room is going to be great!

  6. I thought your room was finished as well when I saw the first photo! But ... yours is going to far surpass that one! Your mood board is beautiful and I totally agree about having a plan and sticking to it ... so many good design elements out there to distract us!!

  7. I agree that your board is totally beautiful. I admire you sticking to that process, I'm usually a shoot from the hip kind of DIYer but that definitely doesn't always work out hah.

  8. Wow! I can't wait to see the room when it's complete. Your design board is absolutely gorgeous I love the color palette and furniture choices. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  9. This room is going to be absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see it finished!

  10. Your board is gorgeous. I also looked at your other boards and am amazed! GREAT WORK!! Can't wait to see your stylishly mixed office.

  11. I am so looking forward to seeing this room! Your inspirations are right up my alley! Good luck!

  12. I love all the white and neutral and then that great rug. So fresh and happy!

  13. Great board! I love the colors you have picked and the natural woven elements. I also love stacked books, books on display. Look forward to seeing the study. I am a new follower..happy to have found your blog.

  14. Your design board looks great, the room is going to be so beautiful and fresh! I love your design philosophy or re-purposing and being eco friendly when it makes sense. I will check out CIL's no VOC paint!


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