
21 March 2012

black & white day 6, plus a waffle

I've got a waffle. But no syrup. So I sent it over to Molly the Waffler. Have you been to her site yet? Very cool - she has readers weigh in on design dilemmas. Hop on over today and help me out by giving me your opinion on my IKEA bookshelf waffle.

In the meantime, here is a black and white house for you. As in, the front is black and the back is white. What a stunner! The kitchen brings the black and white theme inside with white cabinetry and black countertops. You can see the rest of this gorgeous home by architect Joel Barkley and decorator Alexa Hampton in


  1. Alexa Hampotn...say no more. I love everything she touches. Going to see your waffle.

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous house. I prefer the black side.

  3. Thanks for sending me your waffle, Kelly. The voting is off to a good start! PS -- gorgeous kitchen!

  4. Wow! I LOVE the exterior! So cool that it's black in the front and white in the back, and somehow manages to be a perfectly seamless transition. Love the raised breezeway between the two "wings". Definitely need to see more! But first, on my over to check out your syrup-less waffle...


  5. That kitchen is spectacular. Going to check out your waffle. Beautiful site by the way!

  6. @Shauna@Satori Design for Living

    Thanks Shauna, and yes, even I might be able to cook in that kitchen!

  7. @My Crafty Home-Life

    Alexa Hampton- exactly Linda. Everything she touches turns to gold.

  8. Hi, stopping by from Shauna's blog. Lovely blog you have! And that house...WOW

    P.S I weighed in on your design dilemma @ Kelly's blog...looking forward to see what you decide.

  9. @Cre8ive Motives

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for weighing in on my waffle!


I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for making my day!