
6 March 2012

spotlight on...Saarinen's womb chair

I'm a big fan of Eero Saarninen's designs (I wrote about his Pedestal Table here). I really love his womb chair for its simplicity combined with comfort. Finnish designer Saarinen created the womb chair for Knoll in 1946 and it remains one of the most iconic and replicated mid-century designs in the world. You can see why. 

Elle Decor
Zoe Feldman via Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy
Heather Frazier via Design Sponge
Architectural Digest
Butler Armsden
Apartment Therapy
This chair is so versatile that it fits in any space and looks fab in any colour.  The real deal is expensive, but you can find great knock-off versions, or even better, you could get lucky and find a great vintage piece at a thrift market or on ebay.

Do you love this chair as much as I do? 


  1. These chairs are so stylish and look comfy too which is a great bonus :)

    Abbey x

  2. I've actually never sat in one -- but those images make me want to spend some time with a good book in one. Especially the yellow one.

  3. I haven't ever thought much about these chairs before. Suddenly, I'm thinking I might need one. The 7th image with the chair in yellow has me convinced I really want one!

  4. @Staci@asaltbox
    Yep, the yellow ones got me too. I'm looking online to try to hunt a vintage one down!

  5. I like the white and the yellow one most!!!
    Too bad they are so expensive.
    Just found your nice blog :)

  6. @kiki

    Thanks so much for reading! Yes, I know, they are way to expensive for me as well. However, I am starting a new feature on Fridays that will point you to where you can find cheaper knock-off versions or vintage versions that are less expensive. Check back on Friday!

  7. Loving this chair...wish I could stumble upon one at a thrift store...never gotten that lucky! Looking forward to Friday!


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