
16 April 2012

monday refresh: the painted door

Looking for a dramatic but inexpensive way to refresh your home for Spring? Paint your front door. 

House and Home
In Feng Shui, a red front door means welcome, good luck and financial abundance. But if you want to choose something different, here are the colour symbolisms according to Feng Shui Your Life by 

pink- love, happiness, uplift

orange- enthusiasm, joy, exuberance
green- harmony, prosperity, healing
yellow- optimism, inspiration, sunshine
gold- wealth, wisdom, luxury
blue- imagination, calm, serenity
violet- intuition, devotion, peace
brown- warmth, practicality, patience
black- strength, elegance, sophistication
white- faith, honesty, grace

Apartment Therapy

One Kings Lane
Michael Gebauer

Molly Frey Design
Tar Paper Crane
Alan Briot

Martha Stewart



  1. I love the purple Martha Stewart! Have a good week!

  2. I want my door in my new house to be green! Love the colors and definitions!

  3. After researching yellow doors I thought for sure this would be my go to color, but now that I see the spring green one I may just change my mind...

  4. I LOVE front doors that are painted a fun colour :-) So many people leave their doors white - they're missing out on a great opportunity to add character to their houses. Our door has been two shades of purple, dark brown, bluish-black, turquoise, and now teal (I'd seriously been considering bright green!) I'll be posting pics of the door tomorrow or Wednesday, along with some other projects I've been working on :-)


  5. @DTTD

    Wow, that's very cool. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics!

  6. oooooo, that orange door with the gray brick really caught my eye. My favorite color combo! It's amazing how you can change the look of your home with one little door. I enjoy your posts, Kelly. Always so fresh and inspirational.

  7. I love the idea of painting the inside {interior of the home} of the front door and not just the outside. Hmmm, I might have to do this!


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