
9 May 2012

black and white day 12

I'm mixing black and white day into the room of the week to show you a spectacular all-black office that totally works. Though I usually go for a white room with black accents, I could be seriously productive in this stunning black office designed by Adam Braum Straus. 

via Lonny Magazine


  1. I think I might need just one or two more white pieces in there for me...maybe just a white vase on the desk.

  2. I would love to do an all-black room one day. This is a great example of how it can work and NOT feel dark & closed in. The only thing I would change is that I'd add a mirror or two to the walls to add some sparkle and bounce the light around. And I'd take down the antlers. I really don't like antlers, even the faux kind.

    Thanks for the inspiration :-)


  3. @DTTD

    You're right, mirrors would work well in this space. And I agree, not an antler fan either, but the touch of white is nice.


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