
15 June 2012

green idea roundup

Another roundup of cool upcycling and repurposing projects for your perusal. So imaginative and easy to DIY or purchase. Enjoy.

repurposed lampshade as coffee table. via

serving tray upcycled to wall clock. via

recycled skateboards as backsplash tile. via

soda can pull tab lamp shade. via

recycled paper bag woven fruit baskets. via

repurposed cd lamps. via
upcycled decanters as pendant lights. via


  1. Kelly,
    Wow! That recycled skateboard backsplash is fantastic!!

  2. Oh mine!! I love those recycle glass pendants! it's stylish and perfectly green!

  3. Just catching up a bit, and WOW - I love this round-up. You've featured some really great ideas. The drum shade is especially incredible, but I also had to look twice at the CD lamps!!!

  4. Love! Every photograph is beautiful and inspirational!


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