
27 August 2012

a little pretty to begin the week

Happy Monday friends. I came across this picture while browsing for inspiration on Sunday and adore it so much that I felt I should share. This is the perfect little vignette- a vintage console table, small touches of gold, silver and bronze all mixed together, and set against a wonderful traditional print wallpaper. Even though its very vintage and classic, it still feels so modern and fresh. Do you agree? 

vintage vignette
House to Home
Have a great week everyone. 

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  1. Great painted console, and cool mix of accessories. If it was all glam like the wallpaper I wouldn't like it. score!

  2. Love the mix of antique and modern accessories! And the wallpaper is beautiful!

  3. I do agree, this does feel modern and fresh, but without losing the nod to vintage. I love the way the framed mirrors. The effect is genius!

    Have a great weekend, Kelly :-)


I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for making my day!