
28 September 2012

find it friday: vintage wallpaper

As I was reading through the special edition of Domino magazine recently I came across this kid's room that was cleverly and sustainably designed. 

vintage wallpaper silhouette
The floor tiles are recycled, the paint is no-VOC and the fabrics are organic. But what I really fell in love with was the giraffe cutout from vintage wallpaper. Great idea to use old leftover wallpaper with the cool designs from days gone by! 

I found a source for the silhouettes, but you could also simply cut your own from vintage paper. Here are some great shops to find it in. 
vintage wallpaper silhouettes by Inke Heiland via CO

Hannah's Treasures via Etsy
Vintage Wallpapers
this one isn't vintage, but the pictures for the designs are, and it is sustainably made - by Studio Ditte via CO
Rosie's Vintage Wallpaper

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